Guided Meditation: Calming Anchor

Anchoring is an NLP technique that allows you to recall an emotion or a state of being by anchoring that feeling to a part of your body. Once this anchor has been created, this state of being can be recalled by using the anchor.

This week’s meditation is a walk-through to anchor “calm” for instant recall whenever you need it, for example in times of stress.

Click the link to get this 12 minute meditation!

Guided Meditation: The empty chair

This partially guided meditation is a technique from gestalt therapy to work through thoughts and emotions.

Join us for 25 minutes as we provides an opportunity to focus a conversation with someone you couldn’t ordinarily speak to, in a safe space.

Guided Meditation: Be Perfect Time Machine

The importance of, and drive for, success should not come at the costs of our health and relationships.

Join us for 20 minutes today as we take a trip through a beautiful forest to find where the drive for success at any and all costs may come from, in order to put in place some healthy boundaries.

Guided Meditation: Release Relationship Pain

Releasing the impact of hurtful relationships in order to let go and move on, is not about condoning poor behaviour. Simply about freeing yourself from carrying the hurt with you.

This week we take a trip on an old fashioned train, to pack up the pain and leave it where it truly belongs.

Click the link to get this 15 minute meditation!

Guided Meditation: Self Esteem Time Machine

Looking to the past can be a helpful way to understand where blocks in our self confidence come from.

Today’s meditation is an invitation to go back in time, to talk to your younger self and release any blocks to your self esteem.

Click the link to get this 20 minute meditation!

Unlocking Inner Peace: Harnessing the Healing Power of Meditation

Ancient cultures have long known about the amazing benefits meditation offers. Science is kinda late to the party, but now accepts that meditation can hold the key to sustained health and wellbeing.

This week’s article looks into the healing power of meditation. Click the link to get this!

Guided Meditation: Confidence Anchor

Anchoring is an NLP technique that allows you to recall an emotion or a state of being by anchoring that feeling to a part of your body. Once this anchor has been created, this state of being can be recalled by using the anchor.

This week’s meditation is a walk-through to anchor “confidence” for instant recall whenever you need it.

Click the link to get this meditation!