Guided Meditation: Find Inner Knowledge

Everyone has access to their inner knowledge, but sometimes we get stuck in our own heads or we get stuck in logic thinking patterns which means our intuition can’t get a word in.

Join us for 25 minutes as we clear the chatter of our logic brain to find the inner knowledge.

Guided Meditation: Rewind Fear

This NLP technique can greatly reduce fear or phobic symptoms through relaxation and guided imagery, without the need to talk through the details.

Join us for 25 minutes as we guide through this rewind technique.

Guided Meditation: Pause rumination

We can all get caught up in action replays of arguments in our heads. But if we devote too much energy to these thoughts, we can fixate on the negative aspects of our day rather than the good things.

Join us for 15 minutes today as we provide a safe space to let the mind wander, but then release these cyclical thoughts.

Guided Meditation: Give yourself closure

Moving on from a difficult situation like the end of a relationship or a friendship can mean we get stuck in a pattern of wanting a situation to have turned out differently than it did.

Join us for 20 minutes today as we give some closure to the ending of a relationship.

Guided Meditation: Journaling prompt

Diaries aren’t just for teenagers anymore! Journaling, as it’s known, has huge benefits and of course, the cathartic outlet of a secret diary still applies as a grown up.

But where do you start? What do you write about? How can the concept be useful as an adult?

These are all great questions. Join us for 15 minutes with our journaling prompt, and stay accountable to your 2024 resolutions with some focused journaling.

Guided Meditation: Positive thinking affirmations

Positive affirmations provide us with some gentle reminders about our self-worth, the special gifts we have or even gentle nudges and permissions to just put ourselves first (and feeling comfortable with that!)

Join us for 30 minutes today as we send some much needed love and positivity.

Guided Meditation: Release Success Blocks

Often rooted in past experiences, blocks and limiting beliefs can influence how we perceive our abilities. Including our ability to achieve our goals.

Challenging these beliefs, by looking at where they come from, can help overcome their inhibiting influence.

Join us for 30 minutes today as we take a trip to release any blocks to success that are holding us back.

Guided Meditation: Develop Healthy Habits

It’s fair to say that in order to create a healthy habit, we need a shift in mindset. We must include as part of this mindset shift, a focus on what will be gained, rather than lost, especially when swapping a bad habit for a healthy one.

Join us for 15 minutes today as we give some space for reflecting on what can be gained by developing healthy habits.