Spells for free!

Free spells that can be use din your magickal practise by Magenta School of Magick

Free spells to watch

Have a look through the carousel below for our videos of free spells that you can watch. That way you can recreate these yourself. All our correspondences, the days of the week that work best for certain kinds of magick and how we use the moon and planets are all included on our Casting Spells page.

Every week our subscriber audience receives a post similar to this straight to their inbox. It includes a video, plus a free download of the spell being cast as a PDF. This can then be printed later.

Photos by Magenta and Jemma

By signing up you'll receive our thrice weekly content of a downloadable spell on Mondays, an article on Wednesdays and a Guided Meditation on Fridays. You can even choose whichever combination of things you want!