Our courses

Magick Discovered – Launched December 2021

At the moment it is available for £59.99, but please subscribe to the website (button below) for our coupon codes, which we usually issue on Wiccan quarter and cross quarter days.

This course is great for beginners as a foundation level but equally, this is a solid introduction to anybody with a little more experience wanting to learn our philosophy and our flavour of magick. Sign up now and you get access to the course. That way you can secure this really great introductory price and then complete it at a time that suits you!

Lenormand Discovered – Launched January 2024

At the moment it is available for £19.99.

With Lenormand Discovered, you won’t need any prior knowledge or experience to dive into the fascinating world of Lenormand card reading. Our laid-back course takes you on a journey at a nice steady pace, ensuring you absorb all the essential foundations.

Naturally [Magick Discovered] aligns with my own values. There are lots of assignments to practice what is being taught, it’s not just listening to lectures. Some topics have a different take on magic, such as psychology but the lectures explain how it’s all connected.

February 2022
About Magick Discovered

By signing up you'll receive our thrice weekly content of a downloadable spell on Mondays, an article on Wednesdays and a Guided Meditation on Fridays. You can even choose whichever combination of things you want!