Guided Meditation: Working with emotions

guided meditation scripts for sale

Art by Jemma

Most people tend to think of emotions as either good or bad, and the ability to control our emotions is generally regarded as a social norm. What if emotions were neither good nor bad, they just simply were. In recognising our emotions we can build our knowledge about our emotions. This in turn can help us appreciate our emotions for what they are, rather than judge them (and ourselves).

Here we have some pointers on how to meditate, plus some of our other guided meditations available.

Meditation practice can produce unwanted effects in people who might be more sensitive. We encourage anyone who is unsure about practising meditative techniques to seek appropriate professional support before experimenting with meditation.

Our meditations are all unique and written by us. They are guided and secular. They are a combination of mindfulness, visualisation, emotion-work exercises rooted in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and goal achievement rooted in neurolinguistic programming.

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Published by Magenta School of Magick

We are a magick school for spiritually minded people who want advice and resources about, plus training on, humanistic magick in order to make changes that improve their work and their lifestyle.