Spells under a minute: Mastery of Skill

Follow along with this video so you too can cast spells! This one is to help you master a new skill!

What is astral magick?

Astral magick is all about using the movements and relative positions of the planets to time magick. This article will expand on the basics of what to use as part of an astral based practise.

These 4 items are essential for spell work, but they’re not what you think.

We promise you our feature today is genuinely about the surprising items that we feel are essential for spell work. Not awful clickbait. So if you’re finding your magick is getting stuck or having unexpected results. Read this.

Myth busting. What are the ‘right’ colours of magick?

In a magickal context, colour is used through things like candles and crystals to make a connection to the type of magick being worked. How do you know which coloured candle is the right colour? What about crystals? Our article clears away the myths around the colours of magick