Using planetary seals in magick

Timing magick using astrology is about knowing where the planets are and when by Magenta School of Magick

Photo by Magenta

Magickal seals are a kind of diagram or picture that can be used in a magickal context.

Many magickal seals were documented in ancient grimoires. They can be scribed onto an object such as a talisman (or other magickal object) in order to imbue that object with the power associated with the seal. Sometimes seals are drawn as part of a magickal ritual, perhaps to call upon a deity or other spirit.

So planetary seals, like magickal seals, are a kind of diagram as well…but in order to understand what planetary seals are, and their origin, we have to explain a little bit about planetary (magic) squares.

What are planetary squares? 

Planetary squares come from maths, but in maths they are called “magic squares”. Ancient scholars from China to Europe used these magic squares for maths and what struck these scholars was that when all the numbers in the rows, columns and the diagonals were added together, they all added up to the same amount. Hence their magicness.

It was Arabic scholars who first attributed the first 7 magic mathematical squares to the 7 known planets (known at the time) and started using them as part of this talismanic, seal magick. 

These magic – or planetary – squares of numbers can be used to create seals and sigils in and of themselves as this article explains. But planetary seals, as diagrams designed to imbue the power of the planet, do exist. 

Planetary seals

Each of the 7 known planets have their own seal, but because the outer planets were not known in the middle ages when these seals were created, the outer planets don’t have a planetary square or a planetary seal. 

The seal is drawn using the planet’s personal magic square. This means, for example, The Seal of the Sun was originally created using the magic square of the Sun. The Seal of the Moon was originally created using the magic square of the Moon and so on.

It was thought at one time that the seals were orginally drawn by ensuring a line cut across each number, ensuring every number in the magic square was used in the diagram’s creation. Although when people have tested this, it doesn’t look like every single number is used in all the seals, but it is true in some cases. 

Planetary seal of the Sun

When this seal (drawn properly, unlike our dodgy Google Docs version!) is placed on its magick square, The Seal of The Sun does indeed overlap every number of the magic square of The Sun.

Planetary seal of the Sun by Magenta Schhol of Magick

Planetary seal of Mercury

When drawn using its magick square, The Seal of Mercury does overlap every number of the magic square of Mercury.

Planetary seal of Mercury by Magenta School of Magick

Planetary seal of Venus

When placed on or drawn using its magick square, The Seal of Venus misses out twelve of the numbers. These are 3, 5, 7, 15, 19, 21, 33, 35, 36, 43, 44, and 47

Planetary seal of Venus by Magenta School of Magick

Planetary seal of the Moon

When drawn using its magick square, The Seal of The Moon does overlap every number of the magic square of The Moon.

Planetary seal of the Moon by Magenta School of Magick

Planetary seal of Mars

When placed on or drawn using its magick square, The Seal of Mars misses out numbers 1, 5 and 21.

Planetary seal of Mars by Magenta School of Magick

Planetary seal of Jupiter

When placed on its magick square, The Seal of Jupiter does overlap every number of the magic square of Jupiter

Planetary seal of Jupiter by Magenta School of Magick

Planetary seal of Saturn

When placed on its magick square, The Seal of Saturn does overlap every number of the magic square of Saturn 

Planetary seal of Saturn by Magenta School of Magick

Using planetary seals in magick

Calling on the power of the appropriate planet is something we do a lot here at Magenta School of Magick. Using planetary seals is a great way to capture the essence of the planet when working with physical objects. 

Before getting started though, it’s worth spending a little bit of time understanding the characteristics of the planets before working out which one would suit the magick the most. We have some high level pointers on each planet’s relative characteristics on our Casting Spells page.

After that the rest is easy. The seal is already created, all that needs to happen is for it to be copied onto a talisman, drawn onto your object (such as a candle or piece of paper) or even drawn in chalk on the floor and objects of focus placed onto the seal. 

Timing the magick

To ensure the magick is as impactful as possible, cast a chart for the best time to cast your spell using the planetary seal based on factors such as ensuring the planet is travelling along in a suitable star sign, that the magick is being worked at least in the hour of the planet (if not the hour and the day) and that you’ve factored in whatever the Moon is doing. 

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Published by Magenta School of Magick

We are a magick school for spiritually minded people who want advice and resources about, plus training on, humanistic magick in order to make changes that improve their work and their lifestyle.