What are the psychological benefits of a belief in magick?

Photos by Jem

Magick, or (for us) the philosophy and art of affecting intended change through unseen causes, has been around for centuries. It is often dismissed by the mainstream as mere superstition, but we know research in the field of psychology has started to explore how things like rituals and chanting, used as part of magickal practise, can have a positive impact on mental health. These might be things like increased confidence and self-efficacy to reduced anxiety and stress, magick can help individuals develop a greater sense of agency and control in their lives. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into some sciencey stuff behind magick and explore how it can help you tap into your own inner power.

Understanding the psychology of belief

Belief is a powerful thing. It can shape our attitudes, behaviours, and even our physical health. When we believe in something, it can have a profound impact on our lives. This is true for magick as well. The belief in magick allows individuals to tap into their own inner power and feel a sense of control over their lives.

One psychological theory that can help explain the benefits of belief in magick is the concept of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish specific tasks. When individuals believe in their ability to succeed, they are more likely to take action and persist in the face of challenges. 

Belief as a concept can also help individuals develop a sense of agency. Agency refers to the sense that one’s actions can produce a desired outcome. When individuals feel a sense of agency, they are more likely to take action and feel in control of their lives. This can lead to increased confidence and self-esteem.

We can overlay these two concepts over the top of magick, and this is how we begin to see the possibilities of magick as a tool to drive success, drive change and deliver real-world outcomes

Benefits of belief in magick for empowerment and self-esteem

So now we know that belief as a tool in and of itself can be empowering. It allows individuals to tap into their own inner power and feel a sense of control over their lives. This can lead to increased confidence and self-esteem. When individuals feel confident in their ability to succeed, they are more likely to take action and persist in the face of challenges.

Belief in something like magick can also help individuals develop a greater sense of purpose. Especially if one is not keen on practising any kind of organised spirituality or religion. Magick can provide a framework for understanding the world and one’s place in it. This can lead to a sense of meaning and fulfilment in life.

However, magickal practise can still provide the sense of community that is often offered by religious and spiritual leaders. For example, many practitioners of magick belong to groups or communities that share their beliefs. This can provide individuals with a sense of belonging and social support.

Belief in magick for stress reduction and anxiety management

Stress and anxiety are common problems that many people face. We have previously shared thoughts  on how magickal practise can be a tool for managing these issues

One way that magick can help with stress reduction is through meditation. Meditation is a practice that involves focusing on the breath or a specific object to calm the mind. It has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health and can be a useful tool for managing stress and anxiety.

Belief in magick as a tool for goal setting and manifestation

Belief in magick can be a useful tool for achieving all sorts of personal or business goals. The practise of magick involves setting intentions and visualising desired outcomes, and we have some pointers on how to set intentions using magick.

So we know that magick can be a powerful tool for manifesting one’s goals. Whether these are business focused goals that show up in your business plans or personal development goals that focus on developing oneself as a person. Holding a belief that goals can be delivered through the practise of magick can lead to improved success, self-confidence and even overcoming fear of these things.

Common misconceptions about magick

There are many common misconceptions about magick. One of the most common is that it is a form of superstition or less real than other belief systems. In reality, magick can be a spiritual practise, but it doesn’t have to be. It is certainly a practise that involves tapping into one’s own inner power to achieve desired outcomes.

There is also a misconception that practising magick is somehow “evil”. Magick is neither good nor evil, it’s just a belief system. One that has had its fair share of negative marketing propagated by other major religions. Like any spiritual practice, magick carries with it all sorts of ethical considerations. These are placed on the human behind the practise, such as not using magick to harm others or interfere with their free will.

Another common misconception is that magick is only for “witches” or people “born” with some kind of magickal gift. In reality, anyone can practise magick, anyone can learn how to practise magick. It is simply a matter of belief and intention.

Incorporating magick into daily life

If you are interested in incorporating magick into your daily life, there are many ways to get started. One simple way is through meditation and we have some pointers on how to meditate. Meditation is a simple but powerful tool for incorporating magick into daily life as it can help individuals develop the ability to focus their attention on the present moment or visualise successful outcomes.

Why belief in magick can be a positive force in one’s life

Belief in magick can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development. It can help individuals develop a sense of agency and control over their lives, reduce stress and anxiety, and achieve their goals. While there are many common misconceptions about magick, it is ultimately a practise that can provide a sense of meaning and purpose in life. Whether you are a sceptic or a believer, incorporating magick into your daily life can be a positive force for change.

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Published by Magenta School of Magick

We are a magick school for spiritually minded people who want advice and resources about, plus training on, humanistic magick in order to make changes that improve their work and their lifestyle.