New Year, New You?

Tarot deck shown is the Rider Waite Smith published by US Games. Photo by Magenta

This is our version of a new year spread. Everyone has their own way of reading the cards. For us, cards aren’t “good” or “bad”…the clue as to whether the information in the card is intended to be read positively or negatively is where they appear in the spread, and thinking about whether the card is in a “blocking” or “fears” position is a good clue!

The previous year in summary

Card number 1 – This is the previous 12 months. This card is a summary of all that has happened in the last 12 months. It indicates you or your feelings or a main theme of all the events that have happened.

Card number 2 – This is the biggest lesson from the previous 12 months. This card described the biggest lesson learned over the past year. If this card shows in the reversed position, this could be because you haven’t learnt this lesson yet. 

What do you hope for?

Card number 3 – Hopes for the next 12 months. This card is a reflection of what you’re hoping for now. It shows up any desires, beliefs or feelings that you might not be aware of, but yet powerfully affect the way you’re preparing to move forward into the next year. 

Card number 4 –  What will help get you there.  This card is an action card, or an advice card. It invites you to bring your awareness to the message as a positive instruction to help you achieve your hopes. 

Card number 5 – What will get in the way.. This card represents your conscious attitude, events, or situations that might come up to beware of. These are blocks and will get in the way of achieving your desired goals. 

Key areas of life

Major arcana cards that appear in this section indicate this key area of your life will be the most important aspect for you to focus on. 

Card number 6 – Relationships with others. This is a card for your external influences in the world. It doesn’t always mean a loving relationship, it’s just how your presence in the world will be impacted by other people. 

Card number 7 – Career, money and work. This card shows the things to be aware of in relation to your work, your education (if you are in full-time education) or projects you are working on over the next 12 months. 

Card number 8 – Relationship with yourself. This card is all about you and how you see yourself. It could be about your wellbeing or your confidence.  It might be useful to look at how card numbers 3, 4 and 5 and card numbers 9, 10 and 11  interact with this card. 

What are you avoiding?

Card number 9 – What you are worried about.  This card might be about your fears for the next 12 months. Card 3 and Card 9 are like opposite cards. It’s interesting to see if they are opposing each other, and how card 9 aligns with card 5. If it is quite similar, card 9 might also be a block to moving forwards and achieving all you hope for.  

Card number 10 – Where these fears come from. This card represents one possible root of your fears. In the reversed position, this indicates it’s not something you have a conscious awareness of.  

Card number 11 – What can help you release these fears.  This card is another advice card, or action card. Like card 4, it’s a suggestion to help you let go of your fears. 

The next 12 months in summary

Card number 12 – The biggest lesson to learn over the next 12 months. This card represents the one thing you should be open to learning for the next 12 months.   

Card number 13 – The year in summary.  This card is a summary of all that could happen in the next 12 months. It indicates how you will be seen in the world, or your feelings that need your attention or a main theme that could run through the events of the next 12 months. 

Watch as one of our readers does a very quick New Year spread to prepare for 2022…. 

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Published by Magenta School of Magick

We are a magick school for spiritually minded people who want advice and resources about, plus training on, humanistic magick in order to make changes that improve their work and their lifestyle.