Unlocking Nature’s Magick: 14 Creative Ways to Celebrate the Equinox

Photo by Magenta

Step into a world where nature’s enchantment intertwines with human creativity, as we unlock the magick of the equinox. The equinox, a celestial event that occurs twice a year, marks a moment of perfect balance between day and night, light and darkness. It is a time when nature undergoes a remarkable transformation, and we find ourselves drawn to its beauty and mystique. In this captivating journey, we will explore the myriad ways we can celebrate the equinox, from ancient rituals to modern traditions, from connecting with the elements to embracing the power of nature’s cycles. Join us as we delve into the depths of this magickal time, discovering innovative and imaginative ways to honour the equinox and tap into its transformative energy. Get ready to awaken your senses, ignite your creativity, and embark on a journey of self-discovery as we uncover the secrets of nature’s magick during the equinox.

What is the Equinox?

The equinox, derived from the Latin words “aequus” and “nox,” meaning “equal” and “night” respectively, refers to the two points in the year when the centre of the sun is directly above the Earth’s equator. These moments occur in March and September and generally speaking mark the transition from one season to another. During the equinox, day and night are of equal length, symbolising a perfect balance between light and darkness. This astronomical event has fascinated humans for centuries, and various cultures have developed unique ways to celebrate and honour this magickal time.

Significance of the Equinox

The equinox holds great significance in many spiritual and cultural traditions. It represents a time of balance, harmony, and renewal. As the seasons shift, the equinox serves as a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the interconnectedness of all things. It is a time to reflect on our own personal journey and embrace the changes happening around us. The equinox is also a time of transition, where we can release the old and welcome the new. By tapping into the energy of the equinox, we can align ourselves with the natural rhythms of the Earth and experience a sense of renewal and transformation.

Creative Ways to Celebrate the Equinox in Nature

One of the most magickal ways to celebrate the equinox is by immersing yourself in nature. The changing seasons offer a plethora of opportunities to connect with the natural world and experience its transformative power. Here are some creative ways to celebrate the equinox in nature:

Sunrise or Sunset Rituals

Witnessing the sunrise or sunset on the day of the equinox can be a deeply spiritual and awe-inspiring experience. Find a serene location, whether it be a beach, mountaintop, or your own backyard, and take a moment to observe the beauty of the changing sky. Create a simple ritual by lighting candles, burning incense, or offering flowers as a symbol of gratitude and reverence for the Earth’s cycles.

Hiking or Nature Walks

Embark on a hike or nature walk to explore the vibrant colours and new life that spring (or autumn, depending on where you are) brings. Choose a trail that showcases the natural beauty of the season, such as one with blooming wildflowers or budding trees. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment, taking in the sights, sounds, and scents of the great outdoors. Feel the earth beneath your feet and the sun on your skin, connecting with the energy of the equinox.

Forest Bathing

Forest bathing is a Japanese practise that involves immersing oneself in the healing atmosphere of the forest. Take a leisurely walk through a forested area, allowing your senses to absorb the sights, sounds, and scents of nature. Take deep breaths, feeling the air fill your lungs with vitality. This practise can be especially powerful during the equinox, as you connect with the energy of renewal and growth.

Nature Journaling

Embrace your inner artist and nature lover by starting a nature journal. Take a blank notebook and a set of coloured pencils or watercolours with you on your outdoor adventures. Observe the flora and fauna around you, capturing their beauty on paper. Write down your thoughts and reflections, allowing yourself to be fully present in the moment. Your nature journal can become a cherished keepsake, documenting your journey through the seasons and the magick of the equinox.

Picnics in the Park

Gather your loved ones and celebrate the equinox with a picnic in the park. Pack a delicious spread of seasonal fruits, sandwiches, and snacks, and find a cosy spot to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Surround yourself with nature’s beauty as you savour each bite and engage in meaningful conversations with your companions. The equinox is a time of balance and connection, and what better way to honour that than by sharing a meal in nature.

Planting a Garden

Tap into the power of the equinox by planting a garden. Whether you have a spacious backyard or a small balcony, you can create a space to grow your own fruits, vegetables, or flowers. Research which plants thrive during the current season and get your hands dirty as you sow the seeds of new beginnings. As you nurture your garden, you will not only connect with the earth but also witness the beauty of growth and transformation firsthand.

Crafting, food and DIY Projects for the Equinox

If you’re not feeling outdoorsy, engaging in creative indoor endeavours is a wonderful way to celebrate the equinox and express your own unique connection to nature. Whether you enjoy crafting, DIY projects, or artistic pursuits, there are endless possibilities for channelling your creativity during this magical time. Here are some crafting and DIY projects to consider:

Creating Nature-inspired Art

You can ask for donations of natural materials such as leaves, flowers, and branches, and use them to create nature-inspired art. Press flowers between the pages of a book to preserve their beauty, then use them to make beautiful collages or greeting cards. Create leaf rubbings using crayons or create intricate patterns using found objects from nature. Let your imagination run wild as you explore the artistic possibilities that the equinox brings.

Crafting Ritual Tools

If you are drawn to spiritual or ritual practises, consider crafting your own ritual tools to honour the equinox. Create a personalised altar cloth using fabric paint or embroidery, incorporating symbols and colours that resonate with the energy of the equinox. Craft your own candles using natural beeswax and essential oils, infusing them with your intentions and blessings. By creating these sacred tools, you are not only connecting with your own creativity but also deepening your connection to the magick of the equinox.

Cooking and Baking

Food plays a significant role in celebrations, and the equinox is no exception. Embrace the flavours of the season and explore the culinary possibilities that the equinox brings. Whether you prefer savoury or sweet, there are countless recipes that incorporate the bountiful produce of the season. 

Mindfulness and Meditation Practises for the Equinox

The equinox is a time of balance and transition, making it an ideal moment to engage in mindfulness and meditation practices. This September we are dedicating our Guided Meditations to the practise of Mindfulness to cultivate inner peace, and deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. 

Equinox Meditation

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit undisturbed. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing your body and mind to relax. Visualise yourself standing in a field, surrounded by the beauty of nature. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and the gentle breeze against your face. As you connect with the energy of the equinox, envision yourself releasing any stagnant energy or emotions and welcoming in new possibilities for growth and transformation.

Gratitude Practise

Gratitude is a powerful practise that can shift our perspective and cultivate a sense of abundance and contentment. During the equinox, take a few moments each day to reflect on what you are grateful for. Write down three things that you appreciate about the changing season, the natural world, or your own personal journey. This practise will help you tap into the transformative energy of the equinox and foster a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you. 

Connecting with Others and Building Community during the Equinox

Celebrating the equinox is not just a personal journey but can also be an opportunity to connect with others and build community. By coming together with like-minded individuals, we can amplify the energy of the equinox and create meaningful connections. Here are some ways to connect with others and build community during the equinox:

Equinox Gatherings

Organise an equinox gathering with friends, family, or members of your community. Choose a location that allows you to connect with nature, such as a local park or beach. Create a sacred space by setting up an altar, lighting candles, and playing soft music. Engage in rituals such as sharing intentions or performing a group meditation. By coming together in celebration, you can harness the collective energy of the equinox and create a sense of unity and connection.

Volunteering and Service

The equinox is a time of balance and harmony, making it an ideal opportunity to give back to your community. Look for local volunteer opportunities that align with the spirit of the equinox, such as gardening projects, clean-up initiatives, or food drives. By engaging in acts of service, you not only contribute to the well-being of others but also deepen your own connection to the transformative energy of the equinox.

Sharing Traditions and Rituals

The equinox is celebrated in various ways around the world. Take the opportunity to learn about different cultural traditions and rituals associated with the equinox. Share your own personal traditions or create new ones with others. By sharing and embracing diverse perspectives, you foster a sense of inclusivity and connection, deepening your understanding of the magick of the equinox.

Embracing the Magick of the Equinox

The equinox is a time of magick and transformation, where nature and human creativity converge. By embracing the energy of the equinox and exploring the myriad ways to celebrate, we can tap into our own inner magick and connect with the natural world. Whether through outdoor activities, creative endeavours or mindfulness practises, the equinox offers us an opportunity to awaken our senses, ignite our creativity, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. So, as the equinox approaches, let us open our hearts and minds to the beauty and mystique of this celestial event, and unlock the transformative power of nature’s magick.

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Spells under a minute: Connecting the dots

Art by a robot

Want to learn simple spell casting? Here’s a quick spell to connect your intuition and reveal the truth.

All our correspondences, the days of the week that work best for certain kinds of magick and how we use the moon and planets are all included on our Casting Spells page.

We’ve also included a version of this spell with incantations here as a download.

If you have questions about this just reach out and ask. We’re happy to assist!

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Guided Meditation: Mindful movement

Photos by Magenta

Mindful Month

Mindfulness involves paying attention to what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment. It is thought that by paying more attention to the present moment, for example to your own thoughts and feelings, this can improve your mental wellbeing. Mindfulness can help us enjoy life more and understand ourselves better. You can take steps to develop it in your own life.

This is a mindful movement meditation that you can download to your phone to use the next time you go for a walk.

Here we have some pointers on how to meditate, plus some of our other guided meditations available.

Meditation practice can produce unwanted effects in people who might be more sensitive. We encourage anyone who is unsure about practising this technique to seek appropriate professional support before experimenting with this.

If you have questions about this just reach out and ask. We’re happy to assist!

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Mastering the Magickal Clock: How to Maximise Your Spells with Planetary Hours and Days

Photos by Magenta

Unlock the hidden potential of your spells by mastering the magickal clock by using planetary hours and days. In the realm of astral magick timing is everything, and understanding how to align your intentions with the celestial energies can greatly enhance the potency of your magick. The ancient practise of utilising planetary hours and days is a powerful tool that allows you to tap into the specific energies associated with each planet and time your spellcasting accordingly. This can maximise the effectiveness of your spells. 

Whether you’re a seasoned witch or just starting your magickal journey, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and techniques needed to harness the cosmic forces and achieve your desired outcomes. From selecting the right planetary hour for love spells to choosing the ideal day for abundance rituals, you’ll discover how to work in harmony with the universe to manifest your desires. Get ready to take your magick to new heights as you unlock the secrets of the magickal clock and become a master of spellcasting.

Understanding planetary hours and days in astral magick

In the realm of astral magick and spellcasting, timing plays a crucial role in the success of your magickal endeavours. At Magenta School of Magick, our astral magick comes from an ancient text called the Picatrix. Within this grimoire, the ancient belief that each planet possesses unique energies that can be harnessed for specific purposes is at its strongest during these planetary hours and days. So by aligning your spellwork with the planetary energies at the right time, you can tap into their power and amplify the effects of your spells.

Each day of the week is divided into planetary hours, with each hour ruled by a particular planet. This has the benefit of imbuing this time period with specific intentions, allowing you to choose the most appropriate time to perform your spells based on your desired outcome. For example, if you’re seeking love and balance, performing a love spell during the Venus hour would be highly beneficial, as Venus is associated with matters of the heart.

Similarly, each day of the week is also ruled by a specific planet. By performing spells on the day corresponding to the planet that aligns with your intention, you can further enhance the effectiveness of your magick. For instance, if you’re looking to attract abundance and wealth, conducting a prosperity ritual on a Thursday, governed by Jupiter, would be the most advantageous.

The connection between planetary energies and spellcasting

The connection between planetary energies and spellcasting has been utilised by many ancient civilizations, all of which believed in the influence of celestial bodies on earthly affairs. From the Babylonians to the Greeks and Romans, various cultures recognised the significance of planetary energies and incorporated them into their magickal practices. These beliefs then become imprinted into the collective unconscious, which can only add to its potency. 

Astrology explains that each planet is associated with specific qualities and influences, it is these qualities that can be channelled through to spellwork. For instance, the Sun represents vitality, the Self, and confidence, making it ideal for spells related to personal growth and empowerment. On the other hand, the Moon governs emotions, intuition, and family, making it suitable for spells involving healing, divination, and fertility.

By understanding the unique energies associated with each planet, you can align your intentions with the corresponding planetary hour or day to amplify the effects of your spells. This alignment creates a harmonious resonance between your intentions and the celestial forces, increasing the likelihood of success.

Benefits of using a magickal clock in spellwork

Incorporating planetary hours and days into your spellwork offers numerous benefits that can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your magick. By aligning your intentions with the specific planetary energies, you tap into a reservoir of power built over aeons that amplifies the effects of your spells. This alignment creates a harmonious connection between your intentions, the collective unconscious and the celestial forces, increasing the potency of your magick.

Working with planetary hours and days requires planning and intentionality. This process helps you develop a deeper focus and concentration, as you become more attuned to the timing and alignment of your spellwork. By honing your focus, you enhance the energy you put into your spells, resulting in stronger and more effective outcomes.

By incorporating planetary hours and days into your spellwork, you unlock a powerful tool that can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your magick. The alignment with celestial energies creates a harmonious resonance that amplifies your intentions, increasing the likelihood of manifestation. Now that we understand the benefits of working with planetary hours and days, let’s explore the correspondences for different types of spells.

Planetary correspondences for different types of spells

Each planet possesses unique qualities and influences that can be harnessed for different types of spells. Understanding the correspondences between planets and intentions allows you to choose the most appropriate planetary hour or day for your spellwork. Here are some common correspondences.

The Sun represents self-confidence and personal visibility in the world. It has correspondences with socialising and the achievement of goals. In a magickal context, the Sun is useful for work all about “the self”, such as confidence and charisma. Performing spells during the Sun hour or on a Sunday can help you tap into these qualities and manifest your desires.

The Moon represents emotion, intuition, femininity and motherhood. The Moon is suitable for spells involving healing, divination, and fertility. Performing spells during the Moon hour or on a Monday can enhance the emotional and intuitive aspects of your magick.

Mercury’s characteristics of fast communication and fast learning when applied to a magickal context can be used for work all about communication, skills and learning. Performing spells during the Mercury hour or on a Wednesday can enhance your ability to express yourself and attract opportunities for mental growth.

Venus has correspondences with attractiveness, social harmony and relationships. In a magickal context, Venus can be used to bring small gains, balance and pleasant experiences and is perfect for spells involving relationships, self-love, and attracting love. Performing spells during the Venus hour or on a Friday can enhance the energy of love and magnetism in your magick.

The characteristics of Mars as a ‘take charge’ planet means Mars can be used for magickal work involving conflict, increasing vitality or taking decisive action. Mars is also suitable for spells involving strength and courage. Performing spells during the Mars hour or on a Tuesday can infuse your magick with fiery energy and drive.

Associated with abundance, expansion, and wisdom, Jupiter is ideal for spells involving prosperity, growth, and spiritual development. In a magickal context, Jupiter can be used to increase luck and to magnify and enhance all good things. Performing spells during the Jupiter hour or on a Thursday can amplify the energy of abundance and attract opportunities for growth. 

Saturn is all about responsibility, discipline, structure, and boundaries, Saturn is suitable for spells involving banishing and overcoming obstacles. Performing spells during the Saturn hour or on a Saturday can help you establish boundaries and remove obstacles from your path. Saturn can also be used to ‘take responsibility’ by binding and restricting undesirable behaviour. 

The outer planets don’t traditionally get a mention in astral magick, as these planets hadn’t been discovered when our ancient civilisations began to write about the planets. But we’re nothing if not pragmatic, and we have previously written about the relative characteristics and uses of the outer planets in magick.  By aligning your intentions with these corresponding planetary energies, you can still tap into the specific qualities associated with each outer planet and enhance the effectiveness of your spells. 

Now that we understand the planetary correspondences, it’s time to learn how to calculate planetary hours and days.

How to calculate planetary hours and days

Calculating the planetary hours depends on what time the sun comes up and sets each day. It involves working out the minutes of daylight between the sun up and sun set time and dividing that number by 12. It also uses the planetary rulership to calculate which planet starts the day at sun-up. This means that on Sundays, the first planetary hour coinciding with sun-up is the hour belonging to the Sun but on Mondays, the first planetary hour is the Moon’s. 

The Earth of course has different time zones, so this means the Sun comes up and sets at different times relative to where a person is based on the Earth. All of this means calculating the planetary hours needs to be done specific to each day relative to each location. 

We would generally advocate for the use of an online calculator or astrology app to ensure the accuracy of the calculations, but a good ephemeris can provide you with information to calculate the planetary hours.

Planning your spellwork using the magickal clock

Once you have the details on planetary hours and days, it’s time to delve into the practical aspects of planning your spellwork using the magical clock. Begin by familiarizing yourself with the correspondences between planets and your own intentions. Understand the qualities and influences associated with each planet to choose the most suitable planetary hour or day for your spellwork.

Add some punch to your spell timing by aligning your spellwork with the phases of the Moon. Using the different lunar phases can have additional energies that can also be harnessed for specific intentions.

Keeping a record of your spellwork by noting the planetary hours and days you used for each spell can help you track the results. Observing any patterns or correlations between specific planetary alignments can help you refine your timing techniques and further enhance your spellcasting abilities. Just remember that what works for one person may not work for another. Feel free to experiment with different tools, like crystals or coloured candles to find what resonates with you and yields the best results.

By incorporating these tips into your spellcasting practise, you can effectively utilise the magickal clock to maximise the potency of your spells.

Maximise your spells using planetary hours and days 

We believe that working with planetary energies deepens the connection between intention and power. This connection allows you to tap into the vast wisdom and guidance available from the cosmos, enhancing your magickal abilities and spiritual growth. By incorporating planetary hours and days into your spellwork, you can unlock a powerful tool that can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your magick. 

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Spells under a minute: Please release me

Art by a robot

Want to learn simple spell casting? Here’s a quick spell to let go of finding fault with things, so you can move on with what’s really important.

All our correspondences, the days of the week that work best for certain kinds of magick and how we use the moon and planets are all included on our Casting Spells page.

We’ve also included a version of this spell with incantations here as a download.

If you have questions about this just reach out and ask. We’re happy to assist!

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Guided Meditation: Mindful breath work

Art by a robot

Mindful Month

Mindfulness involves paying attention to what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment. It is thought that by paying more attention to the present moment, for example to your own thoughts and feelings, this can improve your mental wellbeing. Mindfulness can help us enjoy life more and understand ourselves better. You can take steps to develop it in your own life.

This is a guided meditation to follow the breath, encouraging a full awareness on the sensory experience of breathing.

Here we have some pointers on how to meditate, plus some of our other guided meditations available.

Meditation practice can produce unwanted effects in people who might be more sensitive. We encourage anyone who is unsure about practising this technique to seek appropriate professional support before experimenting with this.

If you have questions about this just reach out and ask. We’re happy to assist!

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Unveiling the Mysteries: Exploring the Mainstream Appeal of Magick

Photos by Magenta

Step into a world where reality and enchantment intertwine, where the mystical and the everyday collide. The allure of magick has captivated humanity for centuries, and the mainstream appeal of magick continues to grow in this modern age. But what exactly is it about magick that draws people in? Is it the promise of unlocking hidden powers within ourselves, or the thrill of tapping into the unknown? Is magick truly mainstream?

In this exploration of the mysteries, we delve into the reasons behind the resurgence of interest in magick and the ways it has infiltrated our popular culture to the reasons people are still holding back. So, grab your cauldron and prepare to be spellbound as we embark on a journey to understand the mainstream appeal of magick.

Understanding the concept of magick

Magick, with a “k,” is often misunderstood and can occasionally be confused with stage magic or illusion. However, true magick is much more than mere tricks or sleight of hand. To add to the mystery, there’s no one true definition of magick either. For some, magick is the practise of harnessing and directing natural energies to create change. For us, magick is the philosophy and art of affecting intended change through an unseen cause.

One thing that is probably common across all definitions of magick is the belief that we have the power to influence the world around us. This might be through a ritual, setting intentions or the manipulation of energy. Whatever your definition is, it is probably a deeply personal one. Magick is often quite a subjective experience, which is why practitioners continue to draw from various traditions, beliefs, and practises to shape their own unique path. 

The history and origins of magick

The origins of magick can be traced way back to ancient civilizations, where the line between magick, science and religion was often blurred. In ancient Egypt, for example, the priests and priestesses were revered for their ability to commune with the gods and perform magickal rituals. Similarly, in ancient Greece, the practise of magick was deeply intertwined with various aspects of life, from healing to divination.

Our modern understanding of Western magick can be traced back to the Renaissance period and was influenced by various philosophical and spiritual traditions, such as Hermeticism and Kabbalah. Secret clubs like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn as well as influential figures like Aleister Crowley and Helena Blavatsky played pivotal roles in shaping the modern understanding of magick, emphasizing the importance of personal transformation and the power of “will”.

Different types and practises of magick

Magick encompasses a wide range of practises and traditions, each with its own unique approach and focus. Each different type of magick comes with its own set of rules, which can flex and change, again depending on the practitioner. For example, a more ceremonial approach to magick might be more associated with formal rituals and elaborate ceremonies. Practitioners of ceremonial magick may choose to work with others as part of a group, using specific invocations to invoke and communicate with various spiritual beings or energies. This is in contrast to a more nature based approach, where practitioners may choose to work alone with herbs or crystals to manifest their desires and connect with the natural world. 

These are just two examples of the diverse range of magickal practices available to those interested in exploring the mysteries of magick. Each practise offers its own unique perspective and tools for manifesting change and personal growth.

The mainstream appeal of magick in modern society

In today’s fast-paced and often chaotic world, the appeal of magick lies in its ability to provide a sense of empowerment, connection, and meaning. Magick can certainly offer individuals a way to tap into their own personal power, which can be used to create a deeper sense of agency for taking control of their lives. We would echo this and we believe through humanistic magickal practises, individuals can cultivate self-confidence and overcome obstacles in order to manifest their desires.

Another major appeal for those who practise magick is that oftentimes, magick emphasises the interconnectedness of all things and encourages a deep connection with nature. In a world that often feels disconnected from the natural world, magick offers a way to reconnect with the earth and find solace and inspiration in its beauty.

Magick can be incredibly supportive and a source of strength in times of uncertainty and confusion. We suggest that magick can provide a framework for seeking answers and guidance, and even complement more traditional therapies. For example, magickal tools such as tarot cards, astrology, and divination offer individuals a means to tap into their own intuition and gain insight into various aspects of their lives. This can provide a sense of direction for anyone struggling with this. 

The appeal of magick, we believe, lies in its ability to offer individuals a sense of agency, connection, and let’s be honest….wonder in a world that often feels devoid of magick. It provides a means to explore the unknown, embrace the mysteries of the universe, and forge a deeper connection with oneself and the world.

How magick is portrayed in popular culture

We know that magick has infiltrated popular culture in various forms, captivating audiences and sparking curiosity.  So much so that our podcast looks at how well magickal themes are represented in pop culture. From books to movies to TV shows, magick has become a recurring theme that continues to capture the imagination of millions. 

This growing interest in magick could also be attributed to the rise of magickal leanings in other industries. TV shows like “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “American Horror Story: Coven” have brought magick and witchcraft into the mainstream consciousness, captivating audiences with their depictions of the usefulness of magick and mysticism. In our podcast, we often try to test the boundaries, asking how far could we allow magick to break into other industries? 

Common misconceptions about magick

To allow magick into other industries we firstly have to break down some of the barriers. Despite the mainstream appeal of magick, it is still often shrouded in misconceptions and misunderstandings. Thanks, ironically, in part to how magick is represented in pop culture. These misconceptions can create barriers for those interested in exploring magick further and can perpetuate stereotypes and negative beliefs. 

One of the most prevalent misconceptions about magick is that it is inherently evil or associated with demonic forces. In reality, magick is simply a neutral tool that can be used for positive or negative purposes, depending on the intentions of the practitioner.

Magick is often portrayed in pop culture as a means to instantly manifest desires without any effort or consequences. In practise, magick is not a shortcut. It requires dedication, focus, and a deep understanding of the underlying principles. It is a practise that requires patience and a willingness on the part of the practitioner to work towards personal growth and transformation.

Another misconception is that magick is only accessible to a chosen few or those with inherent “gifts.” In reality, anyone can practise magick and tap into their own innate abilities. Magick is a personal journey that can be explored and embraced by anyone with a genuine interest and commitment.

By dispelling these misconceptions, we can create a more open and inclusive environment for those interested in exploring the world of magick.

The mainstream appeal of magick brings benefits and challenges

Like any practise, magick has its benefits and challenges. While it can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation, it is essential to approach magick with intention, respect, and a willingness to take responsibility for one’s actions. We would suggest that magick allows individuals to tap into their own power and take control of their lives. This can boost self-confidence, enhance intuition, and help individuals manifest their desires. 

Within our own definition of magick, we believe that individuals can use magick to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Our humanistic magick approach encourages introspection, reflection, and a willingness to confront and overcome personal challenges.

Magick comes with a set of ethical considerations, as practitioners must take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. It is essential to approach magick with respect and integrity, and a commitment to a strong ethical framework.

Magick also requires time, dedication, and a willingness to learn and grow. It is not a quick-fix solution but rather a lifelong journey of exploration and self-discovery. But by understanding the benefits and challenges of practising magick, individuals can approach their magickal journey with a sense of responsibility and respect, ensuring a positive and transformative experience.

Tips for beginners interested in learning magick

If you are intrigued by the world of magick and wish to embark on your own magickal journey, you can begin by researching different magickal traditions, practises, and philosophies. Explore books, online resources, and reputable teachers to gain a solid foundation of knowledge. There is a link to our course below!

Consistency is key when it comes to magick. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to practise and explore different magickal techniques until you find something you feel resonates with you. Regular practise will help you build confidence and deepen your understanding of magick. You can also seek out like-minded individuals who share your interest in magick, if you struggle to proactively maintain a regular practise.

Remember, magick is a personal journey, and each individual’s path will be unique. Trust your intuition, follow your heart, and embrace the mysteries and possibilities that magick has to offer.

Embracing the mainstream appeal of magick

Magick, with its ancient roots and modern appeal, continues to captivate and inspire individuals around the world. Whether it is the promise of self-empowerment or simply the allure of the unknown, magick speaks to something deep within us. By understanding the concept of magick, exploring the diverse practises, and dispelling common misconceptions, we can embrace the mysteries and possibilities that magick has to offer across all aspects of our society. 

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Spells under a minute: Mind over matter

Photo by Jemma

Want to learn simple spell casting? Here’s a quick spell to reduce your learning curve.

All our correspondences, the days of the week that work best for certain kinds of magick and how we use the moon and planets are all included on our Casting Spells page.

We’ve also included a version of this spell with incantations here as a download.

If you have questions about this just reach out and ask. We’re happy to assist!

Thank you for subscribing. By subscribing you now have premiere access to exclusive content. Do you know someone who would like to enjoy all our free content? Please share this with them and invite them to subscribe too!

Guided Meditation: Mindful eating

Mindful eating by Magenta School of Magick

Photo by Magenta

Mindful Month

Mindfulness involves paying attention to what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment. It is thought that by paying more attention to the present moment, for example to your own thoughts and feelings, this can improve your mental wellbeing. Mindfulness can help us enjoy life more and understand ourselves better. You can take steps to develop it in your own life.

This is a guided meditation to encourage full awareness on the sensory experience of eating. For this, you will need to be ready with at least one thing you can eat along with the meditation.

Here we have some pointers on how to meditate, plus some of our other guided meditations available.

Meditation practice can produce unwanted effects in people who might be more sensitive. We encourage anyone who is unsure about practising this technique to seek appropriate professional support before experimenting with this.

If you have questions about this just reach out and ask. We’re happy to assist!

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A Leap of Confidence: Empowering Yourself with Magickal Self Esteem for Magickal Success

Photos by Magenta School of Magick

We have posted previously how Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a useful framework when using magick as a tool for personal growth and transformation. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs focuses on esteem needs in the context of feelings of accomplishment and recognition. In our humanistic magickal hierarchy we may think of this as creating opportunities for success and abundance and cultivating a sense of gratitude for all we have accomplished so far. This week we are exploring our sense of self-confidence and the incredible power of humanistic magick to empower yourself and boost your self-esteem.

Understanding self-esteem and its importance

Self-esteem refers to the overall opinion we have of ourselves, our self-worth, and the value we place on ourselves as individuals. It plays a crucial role in our lives, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and actions. When we have high self-esteem, we believe in ourselves, our abilities, and our worth. This confidence allows us to face challenges, pursue our goals, and maintain healthy relationships.

On the other hand, low self-esteem can be detrimental, leading to self-doubt, anxiety, and a lack of motivation. It can affect our relationships, career prospects, and overall well-being. When we doubt ourselves, we may hesitate to pursue new opportunities or take risks, fearing failure or rejection. This self-doubt can hold us back from reaching our full potential and hinder our personal growth. Additionally, low self-esteem can lead to negative self-talk, where we constantly criticise and belittle ourselves. These negative thoughts can create a cycle of self-sabotage and prevent us from achieving our goals.

Exploring the concept of humanistic magick and self-esteem

Magickal self-esteem involves using a humanistic magick approach as a tool to boost our self-confidence and cultivate a positive self-image. This in turn can lead to a mindset shift that allows opportunities to flow towards us. 

Magick, in this context, is about casting spells or performing rituals to tap into our inner power and shift our mindset. With the magickal practitioner in the driving seat, a change in mindset when faced with difficulties can give back some sense of control in what can oftentimes feel like an out of control situation. 

Even if you can’t control everything that is going on in the external world, you can at least try to control your own responses. Including exploring our beliefs, challenging negative thought patterns, and embracing our authentic selves. This is then built upon through magickal practise to help you reinforce these positive thoughts and create the positive mindset you need to attract positive things into your life. 

In humanistic magick we may think of this as creating opportunities for success and abundance by clearing away the blocks and negative self-talk. By engaging in rituals, spells, and other magickal techniques, we can create an environment that supports our growth and transformation. These practises help us connect with our intuition, tap into our inner strength, and foster a deep sense of self-worth. 

By letting go of limiting beliefs and embracing the idea that we are capable of achieving anything we set our minds to, we are reminded that we can choose to see ourselves not as victims of circumstances, but rather creators of whatever we aspire.

Spellwork for boosting self-esteem leads to attracting opportunities 

Spellwork is a magickal practise that involves the use of specific ingredients, symbols, and intentions to manifest a desired outcome. 

When it comes to boosting self-confidence, spellwork can be a powerful tool. One simple spell you can try is a boost to love yourself. It involves looking to your inner power to ask what it is you need to do to show yourself some love and compassion. The knowledge that you gain, plus a ritual act of burying an object in the ground, is intended to shift your mindset towards believing in your inner strength and self worth.

So with the boost of self-confidence as your starting point, you may find casting opportunity spells come with increased success. For example, a spell for successful projects that involves visualising a successful outcome can arguably be more likely to succeed once the negativity and self-doubt have been cleared away. This will mean you have more mental space to look for opportunities to help you achieve your goals.

Harnessing the power of affirmations and visualisation for increased self-esteem

It’s not just spellcasting that can help with your self-esteem,  affirmations and visualisation techniques are equally effective ways to reprogram your subconscious mind and shift beliefs.

Often the visualisations we share with our subscriber audience invite people to work through a series of challenging questions against a backdrop of a positive mental image. Similarly, our affirmations are a set of positive statements that can be repeated in order to reinforce a desired belief or outcome. By consistently practising affirmations and visualisation, you can rewire your brain and cultivate a deep sense of self-confidence.

Clearing away the negative beliefs to allow yourself to be open to opportunities is what our humanistic magick is all about.

Embracing your inner power and cultivating self-esteem through humanistic magick

Developing your self-esteem is a powerful conduit to realising your magickal potential. By understanding the importance of self-esteem and its impact on our lives, we can begin to explore its connection to boosting magickal results. Through spellwork, affirmations, and visualisation techniques, we can tap into our inner power, challenge any limiting beliefs in order to attract opportunities and embrace our true potential. 

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