How do magick spells work?

Writing your own spells can help ensure magick spells work by Magenta

Photos by Magenta

Magick spells work by using powerful symbols like the moon or the planets and combining them with various ingredients, rituals and incantations to prime the unconscious mind to get to work on implementing constructive changes.

In a previous article we discussed positive thinking and belief being a cornerstone of how and why magick works. The brain, and what it believes is happening, is central to achieving magickal results. Psychologists have been directing the way the brain works as a way to help people for decades. 

As magickal people, we practise magick rather than psychological techniques, but we do like to combine the sciencey approaches and as such, we practise a kind of humanistic magick.

Magick spells work through visualising our reality

One way to ensure magick works is through practising visualisation. There is a lot of research on how humans use visualisation (and vision boards) to manifest outcomes. For example, visualisation is used by psychologists to treat phobias and by athletes and entrepreneurs to help achieve success. This shows that visualisation is extremely powerful and incredibly useful as a magickal tool.

Magick works by combining visualisation, with powerful symbols and belief. By visualising what it’s like to have the changes we want, this helps keep our minds fully focused on the changes we want to make. 

We also suggest that magick works in harmony with openness to taking proactive action. This means paying close attention to any signals, offers and opportunities and ensures that magick works through more than just passively wishing for things to happen.

Magick works when we recognise results 

Magick works once we put aside the Hollywood idea of spell casting. Instead, magick works when we notice the subtle signs that show up in our everyday lives, such as coincidences or synchronicities. 

Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who created several psychological concepts, including synchronicity. Jung believed that synchronicities carry messages in a similar way that dreams are thought to. That they have meaning and provide a kind of waymarker or signpost from the Universe. An example of magick at work would be casting a spell to figure out whether saying yes or no to something is the right approach. An example of a synchronicity here would be that shortly after, you spot a number plate on the car in front of you that spells out “yes”. This becomes your outcome for the spell you cast, and how it might show up in the real world.

Using the right ingredients ensures magick spells work

In a magickal context, ingredients like coloured candles or coloured crystals are used to connect deeply to the type of magick being worked. Thinking carefully about what colours mean is a key component to ensuring magick works.

Thinking deeply about other ingredients can also improve success rates for magick. For example plants and herbs, when combined with powerful symbols like planets, can add an extra boost when priming the mind to work towards magickal outcomes. Why? It comes down to deeply held belief. The knowledge that the ingredients selected carry the power is what gives the ingredients their power.

The common factor beneath all of this is you, the practitioner. The personal power you bring to the magick being worked is what ensures magick spells work.

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Published by Magenta School of Magick

We are a magick school for spiritually minded people who want advice and resources about, plus training on, humanistic magick in order to make changes that improve their work and their lifestyle.